Monster Hunter Stories: Ultimate Guide to Creating the Best Team

James Walsh


Monster Hunter Stories: Ultimate Guide to Creating the Best Team

If you're delving into Monster Hunter Stories, you're in for an exhilarating RPG experience where creating your perfect team of Monsties can make all the difference. We will highlight the necessary steps to ensure that your team is versatile, strong, and able to overcome any challenge you face. Ready to build the ultimate team? Let's dive in!

Step 1: Understand Attack Tendencies

One of the core mechanics in Monster Hunter Stories is understanding your Monsties' Attack Tendencies. Attack Tendencies determine the primary attack pattern a Monstie will use, which is crucial for countering your enemies effectively. There are three primary types of Attack Tendencies:

Understand Attack Tendencies

  • Power: Dominates Technical attacks.
  • Technical: Overcomes Speed attacks.
  • Speed: Surpasses Power attacks.

Pro Tip:

Ensure your team includes a balanced mix of all three Attack Tendencies to handle diverse enemy patterns efficiently. This strategy will keep you prepared for any combat scenario!

Step 2: Pick Monsties with Versatile Riding Actions

Besides their combat capabilities, Monsties come with Riding Actions that can help you navigate the game world and uncover hidden secrets. Key Riding Actions to consider are:

  • Fly: Traverse the skies without worrying about ground monsters (e.g., Rathalos).
  • Nest Search: Detect hidden monster nests to find rare eggs (e.g., Rathian).
  • Ground Dive: Dig under obstacles to access new areas (e.g., Diablos).

Pro Tip:

While in the field, switch between Monsties with the necessary Riding Actions to access hidden areas and valuable treasures. This proactive approach minimizes backtracking and maximizes exploration.

Pick Monsties with Versatile Riding Actions

Step 3: Evaluate Your Monsties' Attributes

Attributes are another critical aspect of your Monsties that affect their performance in battle. Here's a breakdown of the Attributes:

  • Dragon
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Thunder
  • Water

Each Attribute has strengths and weaknesses, making it essential to match your Monsties against foes with vulnerable attributes. For example, use a Thunder-attribute Monstie against a Water-attribute enemy to gain an advantage in battle.

Step 4: Focus on Gene Channeling

Gene Channeling allows you to transfer skills and abilities between Monsties, creating a powerhouse team with a diverse move set.

  1. Obtain Gene Channeling by hatching a wide variety of Monster Eggs.
  2. Identify and isolate valuable genes from your Monsties.
  3. Transfer these genes to other Monsties to enhance their abilities and create unique combat strategies.

Pro Tip:

Specific gene combinations can unleash powerful skills, such as combining Fire and Water genes to craft a Monstie with both offensive and defensive capabilities. Experiment and discover the combinations that best suit your play style!

Step 5: Balance Your Team for Optimal Performance

Creating a well-balanced team is the key to thriving in Monster Hunter Stories. Consider all the elements we've discussed so far — Attack Tendencies, Riding Actions, Attributes, and Gene Channeling — and ensure your team isn't overloaded in one area.

Balance Your Team for Optimal Performance

For example, if you're heading into an area populated by Thunder-attribute monsters, it might be wise to include Ice or Water-attribute Monsties to counter them effectively. Additionally, maintain a mix of Attack Tendencies within your team to adapt to different combat situations seamlessly.

Step 6: Regularly Revise and Adjust Your Team

As you progress through the game, you'll encounter various Monsties and challenges that require adjustments to your team. Regularly revise and adapt your team to ensure you're always prepared for what's ahead.

Check your Monsties' stats, skills, and abilities, and make the necessary changes to keep your team versatile and potent. By adopting this proactive strategy, you can stay ahead of the game's difficulty curve and ensure victory in every battle.

Pro Tip:

Don't hesitate to rotate Monsties in and out of your team as needed. Experimentation is key in honing your team to perfection and discovering new tactics that could give you the upper hand in battle.


Creating the best team in Monster Hunter Stories involves a combination of understanding Attack Tendencies, leveraging Riding Actions, evaluating Attributes, skillful Gene Channeling, and maintaining a balanced team. By following these steps and tips, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any challenge the game throws your way.

Remember, the key to success lies in adaptation and balance. Keep experimenting, adjusting, and perfecting your team, and you'll find yourself ruling the world of Monster Hunter Stories in no time. Happy hunting!
