Fortnite's Proximity Chat Feature Delayed Until 2024

James Walsh


Fortnite's Proximity Chat Feature Delayed Until 2024

In a surprising turn of events, Epic Games has announced that the highly anticipated proximity chat feature for Fortnite will be postponed until 2024. Originally slated for a 2023 release, the delay has left many fans disappointed and eager to understand the reasons behind it.

Overview of the Feature

Proximity chat enables players to engage in real-time conversations depending on their virtual distance within the game. When implemented, it will enable players who are close to each other in the game world to communicate freely. This new addition has sparked significant excitement among Fortnite fans, as it is expected to introduce a fresh strategic dimension and deeper immersion into the gameplay.

Reasons for the Delay

According to a statement released by Epic Games, the main reason for the delay is to ensure the feature meets their high-quality standards. The development team encountered several technical challenges and wants to take extra time to refine the feature and ensure a seamless user experience.

"While the decision to delay is never easy, we believe it's the best choice to ensure we deliver a feature that meets our community's expectations," said a representative from Epic Games. "We appreciate our players' patience and understanding as we work diligently to bring proximity chat to Fortnite."

Community Reaction

The announcement has received mixed reactions from the community. While some players express disappointment, others appreciate the transparency and commitment to quality. Many fans have taken to social media platforms to voice their opinions, with discussions ranging from speculation about potential new features to suggestions for further improvements.

"It's disappointing, but I'd rather wait and have a polished feature than experience bugs and issues," said one user on Reddit. "Good things take time, and I'm sure it will be worth the wait."

Outlook for 2024

While the delay is unfortunate, it sets the stage for a significant update in 2024. Epic Games has promised to keep the community updated on the progress and share sneak peeks as the feature nears completion. Enthusiasts can anticipate a more engaging and tactical gaming experience once the proximity chat feature is ultimately introduced.

Stay tuned for more updates as we edge closer to the 2024 release of Fortnite's proximity chat. Meanwhile, gamers can keep engaging with the updates and events that Epic Games regularly introduces to Fortnite's ever-evolving universe.
